
苗族與瑤族是中國南部著名的少數民族, 多數苗寨與瑤寨分布於廣西與貴州。除此之外, 泰國北部, 越南, 寮國以及北美洲皆有苗族與瑤族族人定居。關於這兩個族群的發源地尚未可知, 但可從中國各朝代的經典史籍以及盤瑤¹特有的「過山榜」中粗略得知苗族與瑤族的遷徙史。 Miao and Yao are two ethinic minorities in Southeast Asia (SEA), native to China, northern Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. Apart from SEA, a...

A short introduction of Yami — Origin myths

An origin myth is a  shared memory among the members of an ethnic group, and it is used as one of the criteria for people to recognize their comrades*¹. However, the origin myths of Tao people are highly diversified among six villages on Lanyu Island....

A short introduction of Yami – Language classification

Tao language, also known as “Yami language”  (Glottolog code: yami1254), is the only language among Taiwan aboriginal languages that is not classified as a Formosan language [1]. The same as many other ethnic labels of Taiwan indigenous groups, “Tao”  means...

A short introduction of the Kusunda population and the tribal name.

There are more than 7000 languages in the world today. Many of them are endangered languages, and Kusunda is one of them.世界上有多達7000個語言, 其中包含許多瀕危語言, 本篇文章所探討的Kusunda語即是其一。 Nepal is situated on the southern slopes of the Himalayan mountain ranges and is a multi-ethnic...

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